Augmented Reality for Celebrities

Stars and Celebrities
A Close Encounter
We no longer need to know magic to transport out living image to another place. Imagine you dropped by someone’s house as their favorite artist to perform a live song at their birthday party while wearing the clothes suggested by your sponsor. Augmented reality takes the world of celebrities to another dimension. A dimension where magic really happen. AR is a brand new medium to promote engagement the audience; a close encounter.

Clone your person of interest
When the developer Cyril Diagne demonstrated how AR copy and paste works there was a little doubt that someday soon there will be a day when people can copy and paste faces and other human beings. As of 2022, it costs about $250 to create a 3D model of someone you love. Augmented reality can preserve a moment to which there is no return. You can always have your loved ones right by your side, repeating their favorite catch-phrase or talk of their old memories. Yesterday 3D printing and 3D models of the loved ones seemed incredible, today the 3D models are paired with AR technology to create a real magic. Augmented reality is a reality that is more magical than the magic of reality. With AR copy and paste, soon cloning someone will be as capturing a video.