Augmented Reality in Prints and Arts

The Magic of AR in Prints and Art
Prints; Turn the Pages to Life
Story books stimulate the readers' imagination and bring them to a brand new world where readers can see what the author sees. On the other hand, illustration has always been used in the publication as imagination booster but it has been limited to a certain genre of publication for a specific audience. There’s no argument that AR should be used for all genres but the fact of the matter is that augmented reality rather evolves the same genre more intriguingly. Imagine, for example, a storybook in which a scene in the page comes into reality; isn’t it more intriguing? The reader’s ability to engage with what he sees can add more appeal to the subject. That’s also true for some other genres such as journalism or biography. A report on a Titanic ship is certainly more engaging if the reader can see different parts of the sinking ship or where passengers were located. Moreover, adding educational models to the textbooks and university booklets is also another brilliant invention that can facilitate the process of learning.

The Art of AR
Nowadays, there are many benefits of augmented reality in art. There’s little room for argument that artists tend to turn to where they can find creativity. Today more than ever artists consider moving towards digital art, NFT and Metaverse. Creating a different world and setting aside broadening the horizon is practically the real job of artists and what better tool to do so than augmented reality?
In some arts, especially where art meets a product, such as jewelry and clothing design, immersive technologies including augmented reality create a closer connection between art, people and reality. One of the popular features that make the work of an artist easier in the process of designing is the 3D model of the designed product. But, as an artist you can take a step further and bring the design to life before having it made. For instance you can easily have a shirt designed in a software used in ARindu software as a virtual reality model. By taking a look and studying the 3D model in real life environment, you can make changes and find out how the product feels and looks in reality.

If we consider the film and advertisement industries to be part of the whole concept of art, the number of ideas that come to mind to be used with virtual reality are endless. Imagine a character coming out from under your bed to promote a horror movie. Imagine a Godzilla seen in the distance in the view of your city while destroying buildings. Advertising is perhaps one of the biggest areas where you can take full advantage of the buzz created in AR. You can count on ARindu to obtain such a hype and buzz for your brand, ad or film.